Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Watching a DVD & Having a Thought

Blog #5
This week I gotten a new DVD player, because my old one had died earlier this month. It wasn't salvageable, even after using a lens cleaner. It was all of a sudden, it stopped working, and wouldn't read any of the DVDs that we put in it.
So, we got a new DVD player, and I plugged it in, set it up, and everything.

And to test it out, I put in Plaza Sesamo: Vamos a Cantar (now one of Serena's favorites)--
yeah, I've been using this DVD to test the old DVD player after using the lens cleaner, and then I used it with the new device.
Anyway, our new player works pretty good, and Serena was able to enjoy DVDs again. She was sad for a while that our other DVD player died.

After setting up the new DVD player without any assistance, I was suddenly having this idea about installing things--like maybe I was good at putting things together. There had to be a name for this...a technician, or an installer...? I don't know, maybe being a tradesman could be something I could do...maybe not...? At this point in my life, after graduating from grad school, I really want to follow opportunity. Maybe, besides writing, I could train to be some kind of skilled tradesman?

By the way, Serena had asked me if I had found a job yet, I would tell her that I was doing my best at getting one. We'll just have to see what happens...

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