Friday, August 31, 2018



Today Serena enjoys a bowl of sunflower seeds.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Serena Eats Out!!!

Blog #10

It was a chill day, so I decided to take Serena and Mombo to China Harbor, a buffet restaurant. I've been here numerous times before, but this was the first time that Serena and Mombo had visited. Now, mind you, there were very few people at this time. (I assume it was because kids were still coming home from school and whatnot.) So, it was just us and the few people.
Serena and I were going for stuff like the clams.

I also had the crawfish, but Serena wasn't really interested in them--she was more into the clams, like I was.

At some point, Serena kissed me on the cheek, and I kissed her back. Some guy walking by giggled...? I don't know, Mombo said so.
"Look at that millennial," she mumbled. "Laughing for no reason. He's like you, Veronica. All millennial and finding everything funny."
"I don't find everything funny," I said.
"Yeah, well you're wearing a Veggietales shirt. What does that make you? Millennial and funny."
"Just eat the food, Mombo…"

"Can we keep these shells?" she asked me. "They look pretty!"
"But they're part of the food," I told her.
"Yeah! Don't play with the food," Mombo jumped in.

Mombo was enjoying a chocolate pudding.

At one point she had tried to spoon-feed the pudding, but I told her no. She was like, "Oh well... More pudding for me."
"It's not even your pudding, Mombo," I reminded her.
Then, sipping my Sprite, Mombo was like "Okay."

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Serena's Brothers are Back!!!

Blog #9
Remember how Serena had her nails painted in the previous blog post? And I also said that I did my toenails as well? Well, Serena's brothers had to be absent during this time, because since I painted my toenails, I couldn't show them with the nail polish--

Well, duh! Piggy and Pugsy are boys!!!

So yeah. Piggy and Pugsy are doing awesome!
Last night, they were hanging out, doing so-and-so.

(I say so-and-so, because... we were doing nothing much.)

As always, I would always welcome Mombo and Serena's brothers at home, because hey--they're part of the family. They're my pride and joy.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Serena's Nail Polish GLAMOUR!!!

Blog #8
This past week, I had decided to wear some nail polish-- a lavender purple color. When Serena saw this, she wanted to get into the excitement. So I let her. By the way, this was Serena's introduction to nail polish--she has never tried it before. Her reaction? PRICELESS!!!
Serena: "Ooooh! Nails!"
Serena now loves nail polish.
"I look stylish!" she told me.
"Well, duh!" I told her. "Every girl wears this stuff."
"Really? Even Mombo?"
"Well, I could ask her, but... She told me that nail polish wasn't for her."
"But you said that every girl wears it!" Serena objected.
"Yeah, but Mombo is a woman, not a girl. BIG difference."
"You're right--a BIG woman with BIG hair."
Lol. : )
Now, this week, the nail polish was taken off the fingernails, because Serena got tired of it. But she asked me to try some other colors, and I probably will.

By the way, I painted my toenails as well. But... let's just say that Serena's brothers Piggy and Pugsy won't be showing up anytime soon until I decide to remove the nail polish from my toes.

Anyway, Serena wants to do more stuff with me. I can't wait to see what's in store for the both of us.